Future Sound Of London

Q Magazine Jan. 1997

North London sample collagists shake off techno roots to become The New Pink Floyd (TM).

With Future Sound Of London things are never what they seem. This is the band who won the prestigious DMC Best Techno Record award in 1992 for their Papua New Guinea single, and who hate techno music. This is the band who are hard at work touring all over the country, but who never leave their cramped London studio to do so. This is the band whose current album, Dead Cities (I've got a Ltd Edition Copy of this, amazing 100+p booklet), reeks of conspiracy and decay but who claim the record to be their most positive to date.

Moreover, the band have attracted continual comparisons to Pink Floyd in their prime, so there must be something significant going on.

" The thing is, we only heard Pink Floyd for the first time the other day, in our managers car " say's the talkative Gary Cobain, before his partner, the amiable Brian Dougans, breaks off from his suspiciously sweet smouldering cigarette to make a solitary and oblique verbal contribution.
